1. What do I need to become an affiliate?

Registering, Await confirmation. Once received, proceed to share your coupon code across your social media profiles via stories, posts, and reels. It's as straightforward as that!

2. How do I know I will be paid for my referral?

We monitor your sales using your coupon code.
This process is absolutely automatic. All your referrals will be properly tracked.

3. How is the payment handled?

You'll get your payment through Bank Transfer.

4. How do I set up an account?

Setting up an account is very easy and it's completely FREE. You don't have to pay for becoming an affiliate.

All you need to sign up go to the Signup Form below and fill it out. After a review from our affiliate manager, you will receive email with your password and other information.

As our affiliate, you will have your own control panel where you can see detailed statistics of traffic and sales you referred, news and training materials, and choice of banners and text links.